Saturday, May 1, 2010

Google Chrome Extensions

I've been playing around with my Chrome. Because I like Chrome. So I sort of make it my home. 


Extensions so far:
Cooliris - for photo coolness.
Tweetbird - because I'm too lazy to actually go to Twitter and post.
Facebook Photo Zoom - so I don't have to open pictures to look at them.
Cleeki - it looked interesting.
Scribefire - so I can post stuff on my blog easily. 


What next? It's getting pretty crowded though.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

I love my gadgets.

20' inch Acer plasma screen
Labtec multimedia speaker system
Zen mouse
Toshiba laptop

Snow Patrol
The Big Bang Theory
Kick Ass, the comics


Ok. Now I can study.
