Friday, December 23, 2011


I was apprehensive. I went with a sense of dread, with a pinch of misery. It made me realize I don't like change. Especially change of which I had no control over. I want to go back to my old house which we passed by on the way back. It's the same route, the same traffic jams. How could this be any better?

And this house, in the middle of nowhere, is big. And mostly empty. And I don't have a room. I don't have my own space. I still feel more like an intruder. I don't know the rhythms and personality. And I don't know what's in all the cupboards.

So this morning I opened all the cupboards. I went to all the rooms. There is so much space. My brother set up the MSP's Xbox to work in tandem with his and we played with the kinect. There's one thing that I see that could happen here, the possibilities of experiments are endless. We could have picnics. =)

And that's all it is. For now.

Ryan Seacrest seems to have a really good job. All he has to do is be charming on TV. And after that he can rake in all that money. And everybody knows him. And everyone keeps an eye on him because they're interested in him. And when everyone is interested in what you say, you hold so much power, so much influence. And with that the possibility to change the world. It's something he gets without asking for it, without even giving it. Lucky him.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Google Chrome Extensions

I've been playing around with my Chrome. Because I like Chrome. So I sort of make it my home. 


Extensions so far:
Cooliris - for photo coolness.
Tweetbird - because I'm too lazy to actually go to Twitter and post.
Facebook Photo Zoom - so I don't have to open pictures to look at them.
Cleeki - it looked interesting.
Scribefire - so I can post stuff on my blog easily. 


What next? It's getting pretty crowded though.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

I love my gadgets.

20' inch Acer plasma screen
Labtec multimedia speaker system
Zen mouse
Toshiba laptop

Snow Patrol
The Big Bang Theory
Kick Ass, the comics


Ok. Now I can study.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

I got bored of it didn't I?

Yup, after a paltry month or two I ended up not writing for a very very very long time. It seems like the curiosity didn't last very very long and I think I got bored of it. There is so much that needed to be understood and lets face it, I do not like feeling like a noob all the time. But who am I but just a mortal. One whose appetites and quirks are more unapologetically queer to many. More prone to fault than ever. Very much like a flyaway dustcloud. So easily distracted by the winds whispers, "Come hither, come thither."

(Sorry, I've been reading Shakespeare.)

But it's not as if I've completely shied away from machines. I use my laptop everyday. But merely for entertainment. Not for education and development. Not for the sake of the love of all things technologic. However the most fascinating thing I've done so far last semester was to create a program with a GUI to count the turnaround time and figure out the efficiency of various scheduling methods. I did it in visual basic which was the fastest API to learn. It took me one night. Unfortunately we didn't really have time to figure out how to truly make the core of the code which was the scheduling algorithms. We finished it in two nights.

I should learn NOT to procrastinate.

Another thing that was fairly interesting to do was to make a radio receiver for FM and AM. But then again we bought the bloody kit with all the parts and instructions from a company in the US. We were just too lazy (and not to mention pretty ignorant). If we had to do it by scratch... we'd not know where to start! It was fun to melt lead again. It was just like the Life Skills Electronics class in high school... with a bigger and more complex circuitry. But it was still cheating. We didn't know how to make it "make it" after all. We always didn't know what was wrong with it. (And the capacitor EXPLODED!)

Thats just it for now.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

After A While

I LOST MY PASSWORD!! And I reformatted my Virtual Box hard drive because really I HONESTLY do not remember what it was. Then Hyperair tells me that if there's a will there's a way... But it'd probably be lost for the non hackers so I just threw it all away. 

So I reinstalled again. Thanks to what I wrote down I could pretty much follow the same steps as I did last time. I installed so much crap after I last wrote that but since I didn't write anymore I really didn't remember. But I did get the essentials... (rpmfusion, presto, yumex) It was however an ASS when it came to installing guest additions. Thank goodness for online help!!

So now I'm finally coming to the point of this whole exercise... Getting Fedora Electronics Lab. Now I have to wait for 361 Megabytes to download. Whatever lah.

More waiting...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Various random things

Freenode has blocked mibbit. Freenode is the server for many open source community channels. Mibbit, a client, has been blocked. Freenode say sit's due to the trolling and spamming of mibbit users. Apparently if it's harder for people to use irc the tougher ones would find out. Like youtube and 4chan, the easier it is to anonymously go online and post up shit, the more people would abuse abuse abuse. So now I use the freenode website. And it makes me ask again... And your point is?

Trending topic on twitter--> Parker's Tutorials. Turns out to be some obnoxious little boy who wants to make it big. I am seeing his vid. He is annoying me.

I love emails. I'm keeping connected to my family quite well.

Procrastinated.... Shit...


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Virtuals Machines are Fascinating

Yes, I like it a lot. I hope to become a vm-master like wariola one way. XD Why? Why? Because its so COOL. And besides I have problems regarding my internet connection. I only have the CSL broadband wireless thumbdrive and not Huawei so the laptop wouldn't recognize the broadband connection because it couldn't read the drives. DX

So with Windows 7 as the host I could easy make sure that I have the internet connection and at the same time use Fedora 11 (like I've wanted to since I knew about it) and finally learn to use it properly. So I used VirtualBox (no preferences here... just using what is familiar). Feds uses a lot of internet support and so I don't think I could do without it.  I get the connection through the shared network so no problems there. I know that running on virtual machine still have a few limitations but I don't really have a choice now do I?

So I've set it up, allocating around 60 gig for hardware (since I plan to use it heavily) and 1 gig of RAM since I've upgraded to 3 gigs of RAM I could afford to be generous. I didn't have too many problems setting up. (Just had to get rid of the old account...) But after that I really got irritated by the fact that the screen was to small to be of any proper use.

So I went to the fedora-my irc channel and asked for help. And there sniffit and Kagesenshi helped me out. Turns out that all I had to do was add the VirtualBox Guest Utilities and install it. But getting it to install properly was like hell. And as I said to sniffit, I did it with my own blood, sweat and tears. But I looove the open source community people. They've helped so much. They're so nice. *sigh* sniffit even offered to help using teamviewer. I sort of want to do this myself though. I can't be a computer engineer for nothing. But even so.. it took me most of the day to figure how to add the thing. And hyperair did it in 2 hours... wtf... Kage was a bomb anyway... all I really needed was the documentation from fedora. But I didn't know that.. *sigh* Thank you awesome people. You guys entertained me well too.

So after THAT first hurdle was done it was time I looked at the programs that I could use. The very idea that every sort of program is available and just within the tips of my fingers was certainly new. I didn't have to go out and buy a crack  copy or anything (plus the DVD drive isn't mounted). All I had to do was search and install. Because everything was FREE. Thus is the power of open source. And I'm loving it! I've still have yet to finish the list Kagesenshi gave me... And there's still the repositories to look at.

I learned a bit more about repositories from hyperair. Apparently for Ubuntu there's a few kinds of repositories: main (default installation), universe (community maintained programs), restricted (similar to main but with licensing issues) and multiverse (which is similar to universe but with licensing issues). For debian there's main (free software), contrib (software that is free but depends on non-free software) and non-free (which means that it's not free or not FOSS but it may be distributed). After some searching I find out that fedora seems to be less complicated. It has only Fedora (which is the main repository for the core programs and the extra programs), RPMfusion (for non-free stuff) and Livna (for libdvdcss). I have yet to check this out though.

So far I've got xchat working. I fiddle it around for a while... and I downloaded my first comic from irc!! Dangeki Daisy ch9. XD Its so useful that I can access several servers at once. *grins* Now I want netbeans... but it's been tricky and I haven't figured it out... Hopefully today more people would be free to help me. (omg.. I feel bad for using them so much) For now I'm installing a few updates that I randomly pick from the list of 101 updates. It was gila besar!! So I decided to pick and choose. I don't need Telegu support.... Or bluetooth support....

I have been following a few guides and added presto and yumex. Presto is suppose to make sure that I need to download as little as possible. And yumex is just a better interface for add/remove programs compared to the default interface (which makes me gnash my teeth because of the weird labelling and the lack of trasparency. I don't know how many more hours I'd need to wait for a 1.7meg file.). Although I feel like I'm adding stuff quite carelessly. There had been a few warning errors that I just don't get.

Irregardless I somehow got my pidgin working so thats cool. Now I can talk to Lala easier. *grins*

hmm... my mozilla seems to be dysfunctional after opening 10 tabs...

Thats all for updates now!
