Saturday, June 6, 2009


Today is a slow day for me on the net. It's sadly slow. No action whatsoever. Got me to thinking about being connected to the world and yet not connecting to anyone at all... (NOTE: must check on this idea.)
This is going to be autobiographical. Divert if not interested.
Day 1:
Was actually half an hour early... Figured i should register and stuff... But my oh my was I mistaken. I did't register online so I spent most of my time just lining up to register. And how ironic that the first person I end up meeting is... high school kid from debates. Apparently he just got into Comp. Sc. in MMU. Ironic. Yeah. I won't say much about that.
I made myself be brave and talked to a guy in front of me. Some final year Comp. Sc. person. I talked to him throughout the Conf. But the thing is I never even got his NAME. And now I doubt I will. He wasn't really OS community type. (As I soon see after that)
I was feeling really confused on the first day. There were FIVE streams on that day itself. I could only be at ONE place at a time. So I went to the Fedora room the whole day. It wasn't bad. Most of the stuff I learnt is absorbed on the first day. About KVM and helping OS and Live-usb.
I was quite eager for the next day.
And the food was always interesting. Everyday. (nuff said)
Day 2:
I managed to talk to more people. Like with Mr Harish Pillay and Mr Eric Yeoh. I wish I talked to Mr. Gen Kanai too. And maybe Mr tony baxter and Mr. Chris Dibona. Too scary... n.... what would I say neway? I did manage to talk to Mr Ben Balbo. He introduced me to BarCamp. I didn't join the Penang one but for future ones... who can say? XD
Day 3:
I really don't remember much. Things were becoming very techie and repetitive. Spaced out a lot.
Later, I tried to virtualize on Vista with Mr Erics help. That so didn't work. But we had dinner. And I learnt a lot of things that night. Mostly on the chinese and indian views on certain issues. It was very deep and enlightening.
Day 4:
Woke up like I had a hangover. Transfered most of my stuff on my hard disk drive and tried to figure out how to burn an image cd to FINALLY install fedora. I came early and did the burning thing and tried to virtalize. Had a bimbo moment and didn't figure out to connect to the net. ( I didn't SWITCH ON the WIRELESS!)
i didn't pay attention most of the day. I was too busy trying to virtualize with Wariola's help. But the internet connection sucks so bad that I had to wait forever for finally getting anything to happen. But I did this all in the VIP room. So cool.
But I did pay attention for all the lightning talks. They were cool. XD
After all that. I was alone and wasn't sure if I should go for the dinner. So I tossed a coin. And so I went. I was revved up by all the retro glasses!! It was so like the one Verbal had!!  I couldn't help myself and started gushing to a random bunch of ubuntu guys. And they ended up being my dinner partners. Cool eh.
But after dinner, dancing was just awkward. I left.
Talk by Mr Baxter from Google:
This was so improptu. Was thinking of not going. Talk was informative but yet again a lot of it is above my level. Should NOT have worn linux t-shirt on that day.
And this is how it started...
(I'm getting sleepy...)

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